The British role in America's tainted past

Some portion of the spirit looking in the US in the two months since the killing of George Floyd has been centered around inspecting the history that drove the nation to this point. 

Confederate sculptures have been pulled down in numerous urban areas and there are requires a more legitimate gander at the manners by which bondage, isolation and segregation have molded cutting edge America. 

Be that as it may, there are the individuals who feel that there are some past these shores who ought to be thinking about their nation's job in everything. 

"England put its stamp on America from the earliest starting point. It was Britain who carried the primary unfree Africans to this nation and assisted with beginning servitude in America," says Professor Cassandra Newby-Alexander, a history specialist at Norfolk State University in Virginia. 

At Old Point Comfort, where individuals currently fish on the close by wharf, she brings up the spot where it is accepted the principal transport conveying slaves came into what was then the state of Virginia.
"It was late August of 1619, and it was the English vessel White Lion," Professor Newby-Alexander says of the boat that it is accepted brought 20 people that had been torn from their country in what is presently Angola. 

"When they were here, they started to sell those people that they saw as a feature of their load to the administration in the state." 

So began a heritage that has resonations despite everything being acutely felt today. 

Educator Newby-Alexander promptly acknowledges the culpability of Americans in sustaining that heritage, yet says that when the British surrendered control, society here had just been formed around the foundation of servitude.
America didn't become officially America until 1783 when the Treaty of Paris was signed. Up until that point, everything that America created was English, including slavery, including laws on which slavery and inequality was built," she says.

"It came from England. It came from the English system.

"If you claim that America has its foundational culture based on England, then you've got to take it all. That includes the systemic racism in our laws, in our practices and in our culture."

Policing in the southern United States had its origins in slave patrols set up under the British in the early 1700s. Local laws started to be drawn up that regarded black people as inferior.

Professor Newby-Alexander draws a direct line to the issues America faces today.

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