BANDS THAT ARE ABSOLUTE nightmares on tour

 BANDS THAT ARE ABSOLUTE nightmares on tour

It's a poorly kept secret that rock stars and their bands don't see themselves as normal people. To paraphrase Christopher Walken: Sure, they put on one-legged pants like the rest of us, but as soon as they put on their pants, they make hit records, rock audiences are full of people and dodge mountains of female fans who are all trying to take their pants off again. Just imagine the tour: everyone who is allowed to contact you is ready to satisfy your every whim, thousands of people come every night in different cities to listen to you play, and you are paid obscene money for it. You could be the Dalai Lama and it would still turn your head.

This is why every time one of these entertainers comes to town, you can bet there was a healthy contingent of people - police, security guards, stage workers, etc. - contrary to hopes that this fleet of tourist buses would just rumble. by. Many of them are older people who have engaged in the subtle, unfortunately lost art of smashing hotel rooms, some have insane demands on venues and cities that are lucky to be blessed with their presence, and some cannot seem to stop feuding with their fans. - but all these groups are a real nightmare on the road.

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